We are pleased to announce that frozen yogurt, toppings, and other products Yogurtini – Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
located at 13610 N Scottsdale Rd STE 24, Scottsdale, AZ 85254
are now certified kosher by the Greater Phoenix Vaad Hakashruth.
Please note that only the Yogurtini location specified at the address above is certified by the Vaad.
Yogurtini – RMCF offers many products, some of which are kosher, and many others which are NOT KOSHER. Please pay careful attention to the Yogurtini Kosher Guide (Click here) to ensure a seamless kosher experience. The guide is also posted in the store and at www.kosherphoenix.org. As always, please let us know if you have any questions.
To view Yogurtini – RMCF’s Kosher Certificate, click here.